Ads Competitors Exclusion

Don’t let competitors drain your ad budget
Ads Competitors Exclusion

Your competitors are clicking your ads – I guarantee it. There’s a golden hack you can employ to keep from paying for these clicks.

The hack? Use IP exclusions.

There’s a trick for how to discover and block your competitors’ IP addresses, precluding them from ever seeing your ads again. And I’m going to teach it to you.

First, you need to determine your competitors’ IP addresses. You may need to try a few different tactics:

- Find an email from the company. You can locate the IP address by looking at the email header content. This article explains how.
- Locate the IP address for the company’s domain name. Here’s an eHow article explaining how to do this. Sometimes companies use a different IP address to browse the web than the one their site is hosted on, so this can be tricky. Give it a shot.
Once you have the IP addresses, just scroll down to “IP address exclusion” in your AdWords settings and paste them in.

‍And voilà. Their IPs are now blocked.

Your competitors are clicking your ads – I guarantee it. There’s a golden hack you can employ to keep from paying for these clicks.

The hack? Use IP exclusions.

There’s a trick for how to discover and block your competitors’ IP addresses, precluding them from ever seeing your ads again. And I’m going to teach it to you.

First, you need to determine your competitors’ IP addresses. You may need to try a few different tactics:

- Find an email from the company. You can locate the IP address by looking at the email header content. This article explains how.
- Locate the IP address for the company’s domain name. Here’s an eHow article explaining how to do this. Sometimes companies use a different IP address to browse the web than the one their site is hosted on, so this can be tricky. Give it a shot.
Once you have the IP addresses, just scroll down to “IP address exclusion” in your AdWords settings and paste them in.

‍And voilà. Their IPs are now blocked.

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